Friday, June 22, 2012

Laws Unenforced Aren't Laws At All

I grew up in Georgia so we were all warned about it. If a happy couple you knew chose to perform this act on each other - Lewinsky - the police had the right to come bust down the door and arrest them! There were always those urban tales about that exact thing happening in "the next county over" or "out near Dahlonega somewhere." It was a silly law that remained on the books for years after I left Georgia. The legislature finally purged it from the statutes with a smirk and a bang of the old gavel.
Outdated silly law, really. Everyone who was even just a little bit adventurous in that way, was breaking it, after all.
A law unenforced is no law at all.
Arcane laws invented by prudes who don't want adults enjoying themselves in the privacy of the bedroom; guess what, that's apparently the way officialdom in this state feels about our open records laws anymore.
"Public reckerds? Ahm sorreee, ah don't thank we do that eenneemore!
Florida Statute 119 and all its subsections, sometimes referred to as "Government in the Sunshine," is a piece of legislation designed to force government to maintain and keep public records for public review at any reasonable time and under reasonable conditions. Of course there are exemptions but, if the officials decide to apply exemptions of those laws - and there are more and more of these, these days - the officials must reply with the nature of the exemptions, the reason for denying a member of the public from reviewing that record.
The previous post gives the nature of my complaint the events leading up to it and so on. Here's the link to that complaint. It is a serious complaint. It says that the Supervisor of Elections in one of our most populous counties, denied a member of the public the right to review document in a timely fashion and provided no excuse. Essentially told the member of the public to, uh, well, see the first paragraph on this page and use your imagination. Yes, like that.
The complaint was reviewed by the sheriffs department of Hillsborough County from 4:00 p.m. June 21, 2012 to 4:20 p.m., June 21, 2012 before a detective informed that a supervisor had told him, the department wasn't going to pursue the matter; even to fill out a police report, even to give it a case number. You can see this document is very specific and the issues involved are not easy to grasp for anyone, immediately; at least someone who is not familiar with the exigencies of our voting systems.
I mean, wowzers! That fast?
The sheriff's department didn't want to look into it because - and I quote - "one elected official investigating another elected official just isn't done in Hillsborough."
That's it? 
That's it.
What about the Florida Department of Law Enforcement? I am hoping they will look at it. They'll get to it. It's been sent on up the chain of command, said the detective I spoke to.
And there it sits. Let's remember the FDLE took ten months to investigate the deleted emails of the governor and, in an amazing turn of events, ruled that "oopsie daisy" was as good an excuse as they were going to get from the governor and that's okay by them.
Ten months.
Back to the original point. And you know this where ever you are. There are laws on the books in your state, in your county, that given the present circumstance just don't apply anymore and so every so often officialdom comes along and wipes them off the books.
In the corporate dark ages, unless we fight for these public records laws, bitch and howl when they are blatantly, cynically, sneeringly violated by our public officials, they will go the way of those arcane laws as well.

Formal Complaint to FDLE v Hillsborough SOE

June 21, 2012
To:  Hillsborough State Attorney 13th Judicial Circuit., The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Department; the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
To whom it may concern:
This is to provide you with an official complaint/allegation of violation to FS 119.07, our open public records laws, as I feel were committed by the Hillsborough County supervisor of elections,  and/or its officers, and/or legal representative(s) acting in his office’s behalf, with regard to this citizen’s records requests concerning the Nov. 2, 2010 general election.
The official story: the Hillsborough County election of Nov. 2, 2010 resulted in a glitch of one machine which coded 12 memory cards which were sent out to capture the early vote. Because the memory cards allegedly “could not upload their data”, according to the SOE, workers were forced by necessity to drive these ballots to the Falkenburg Road office on election night and there rescan 38,00 ballots in four to six hours. If the ballots were 17 inches long, the length of the task was 10 miles. It stretches credulity to think that under these conditions workers ever had, or could maintain, any assurances of where the ballots came from, or who prepared/voted them; this as they themselves were in the process of affecting actual vote totals with their actions. No county commissioner signed off on the canvassing board for this election certification, it should be noted.
This event represents a manual rescanning of more than half the early voted ballots in the last three days of early voting. Tampa Bay Tribune, Nov. 3, 2010 Christian Wade reporting
These ballots allegedly came from several areas of Hillsborough, including Temple Terrace and USF environs, which are largely democratic.
I have asked repeatedly for information regarding this election. I have noted the similarity between this glitch, and a glitch in 2008 under the supervision of SOE Buddy Johnson. During which, again, thousands of votes were “recanned” in this fashion.
In 2009, 440 voted ballots from the 2008 election were found in a warehouse. It is my belief an attempted “hack” of the vote took place during  one or both elections. In the first case, in 2008, the voted ballots above and apart from those counted in the race, represented evidence of a ballot swap-out, in my opinion. There was no investigation that I have been made aware of in this case.
The difference between Rick Scott and Alex Sink’s vote totals in the 2010 general election, is just over 1.29 percent. Were 38,000 votes added to Sink’s total, the difference would be narrowed to .44 percent. Florida law provides for a recount in cases where differences between top contenders is less than .5 percent.
Since July of 2011 I have been seeking information regarding the general election of 2010 as handled in your county. (Information to follow in each alleged violation).
During which time, nothing the Hillsborough SOE has done with regard to my requests indicates a fair election took place Nov. 2, 2010 which is the basis of my inquiry.  Quite the contrary. Falsehood, obfuscation, denial of public records,  non-answers to specific questions, deferment of information have been the responses to my inquiry. Overall bureaucratic indifference and evasion.
I believe I am correct in stating, I have it on good authority, that Florida Law provides a 22 month window for review of records pertaining to an election. When that window closes, the records may legally be disposed of, removing any proof as may exist for an election that was either fixed rigged or tampered, or otherwise improperly conducted.
First violation of FS 119.07 alleged:
 It is my position that the Hillsborough Supervisor of elections, having first deferred, dismissed, or evaded a verbal request for any documentation regarding this election, then repeatedly defrayed response to requests for said documentation which I made by eliciting the help of  county commissioner Mark Sharpe. It is my position that Earl Lennard in his capacity of top elections official and/or his officers, attempted to “run out the clock” in his/their foot dragging for seven months to provide me any documentation at all. This constitutes in my opinion the first offense, covered under 119.07 (1) (a) regarding “reasonable time””reasonable conditions” and refusing to comply with said request “knowingly” in an effort to run out the clock.
Every person who has custody of a public record shall permit the record to be inspected and copied by any person desiring to do so, at any reasonable time, under reasonable conditions, and under supervision by the custodian of the public records.”
1. Here is a record of my first contact with the Hillsborough SOE posted in my blog Rick Scott Watch. The date of the post is July 21, 2011   At that time I asked was there and might I obtain or review “any written report” concerning the glitched vote. I was told a report was forthcoming from Dominion voting  (voting machine company) but it was not available yet. However, the written documentation I was searching for was available within the form of an incident report, found here (click on the first document) called the “conduct of election report”  I didn’t know these magic words at the time I made the request.  Not only was the report available since Nov. 14, 2010 (I asked about it in July 2011) but it took until Feb 28, 2012 to finally produce this report. Seven months. Denying someone “any record relative/an incident report of some kind” based on he or she not specifically saying the words “conduct of election report” is contrary to the spirit and intent of our open public records laws.
I emailed County Commissioner Mark Sharpe in January, followed up with a visit to the county commission (videos below) wherein Commissioner Sharpe assured me a report was available and would be sent to me and ready yet it wasn’t given to me until Feb 28 after another and then a third visit to the commission, and finally pressure was applied by myself and activists with Occupy Rigged Elections. See this article This one document required three appearances before the commission AND an email barrage campaign. This is not “reasonable” conditions for the production of any public document. Especially considering I drove across the state each time to attempt in vain to get it.
(Here  can be found three videos documenting my repeated appearances before the Hillsborough County Commission seeking help in getting this one document. Video evidence of my repeated attempts to gain any documentation whatsoever.)
Three minutes for democracy part 1
Three minutes part 3
As said the behavior of the Supervisor of Elections in this goes well beyond allowing a reasonable time and in my opinion constitutes a “knowing” violation of our open public records laws for the purpose of running out of the clock with a view toward the destruction of the records of this election.
Second violation of FS 119.07, alleged: It is my position the Hillsborough Supervisor of Elections and the Deputy County Attorney violated  the statutes under subsections (1) e or (f), depending on which applies, relative to providing no reason for failure to produce a public record upon request.
(e) If the person who has custody of a public record contends that all or part of the record is exempt from inspection and copying, he or she shall state the basis of the exemption that he or she contends is applicable to the record, including the statutory citation to an exemption created or afforded by statute.”
And/or FS 119.07 (1)(f.)
“(f) If requested by the person seeking to inspect or copy the record, the custodian of public records shall state in writing and with particularity the reasons for the conclusion that the record is exempt or confidential.

1. Furnished with documentation regarding the election glitch of Nov. 2, 2010 wherein the machine company admits error in the one machine which caused the glitch (machine #499), I made a formal public records request for the Audit Log of the Optical Scan Machine 499, dated  March 20, 2012
2. The audit log for OSX #499 was not provided as I indicated in this follow up email to them dated April 2, 2012
3. Their response to me was to direct me to ask the private corporation, Dominion, for such documentation. As evidenced by this email from Hillsborough’s Deputy Attorney Farris, dated April 17, 2012 As we know a corporation is not bound by any open public records law. Thus, their pivot, and mention of the machine company is in fact a flat denial of request without reason. A violation.
Here the supervisor of elections and the deputy county attorney clearly refuse to provide a document without specifying why they won’t provide it.  Covered under FS 119.07 (1) (e).

As I have shared with you, I have been attempting to file this formal complaint. Each agency, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Department, and the State Attorney’s office for Hillsborough County, has directed me to one or the other agency in this matter. Confident that I at least have the triangle of parties nailed down as to whom should receive it, I send it to all three parties.
I will both “walk the complaint in” and endeavor to mail it to proper parties. I have provided this information with a clear conscience. I come to these conclusions honestly. I do this because I believe democracy is being perverted by the use of these machines – the “flaws” therein as cover or camouflage for acts of rigging -and Hillsborough unfortunately is a prime example as to their misuse in my honest opinion.
When elections are stolen evil prevails.

David A. Kearns
668 Dunbarton Circle Ne
Palm Bay, Florida 32905
(321)525-0117 cell

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My follow up to Hillsborough

(April 2, 2012)

Dear Ms Ferris;
I do not see the audit log for the malfunctioning machine OSX #499
used during the Nov. 2, 2012 election. This machine was referenced in
a letter to Mr. Bobanic from Dominion Voting dated March 15, 2012.
(Please see attached document 1).
This was my first requested item.

As to the rest I am reviewing the information. I also asked a series
of specific questions regarding the election of Nov. 2, 2012 to Peg
Reese, and have not received a response to those questions. Of course,
a copy of the approved security procedures under normal conditions
isn't a response to specific questions but I thank you for the
additional information.

To that end, I will include the specific questions again here.

1. Precisely how many early voted ballots failed to upload during the
election and where were the locations they failed to transmit from?

2 What is the normal procedure for verifying that the memory cards are
able to upload to the GEMS server before the cards are sent out to the
voting locations, and why wasn't this done during this election?

3. Why was only one machine used to code the 12 failing memory cards
sent out to early voting?

4. How many OSX machines were available for the task in the previous
question and why was that specific machine chosen over the others?

5. Does a normal test of the equipment at the poling locations include
transmitting or uploading data through the system to ensure the system
totally functions, prior to taking the early votes? If not why not? If
so why was this not done?

6. Were the private vehicles of the poll workers, staff, or
administrators, used to carry the ballots that failed to upload, back
to the Falkenburg Road Annex? If so why weren't county vehicles used?

7. Who is responsible for the chain of custody of the ballots
mentioned in the previous question?

8. What if any statutes or generally accepted rules apply to the
proper rescanning of ballots mentioned in these questions? Were they

If as Ms. Reese suggests everyone involved in this election as held on
Nov. 2, 2012 was operating in the best of faith, it remains to be seen
in evidence, in that I continue to get non-answers to specific
questions about this election, I have been posing since July last.

These are not difficult questions, if, as asserted, the election was
held in good faith.


My Public Records Request to Hillsborough

From: David Kearns []
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 11:34 AM
To: Peg Reese

Ms. Peg Reese
Hillsborough County
Deputy Chief of Operations SOE


Pursuant to the state open records law, Fla. Stat. Ann. Secs. 119.01 to 119.19, I write to request a copy of the following records. Please respond to each item, separately, in writing.

Item 1: A copy of the audit log for OSX #499 for the election Nov. 2, 2010 Item 2: A copy of the GEMS audit log for the election of Nov. 2, 2010 Item 3:  The file directory for each of your election management computers for the general election Nov. 2, 2010. This is the text file containing the list of file names, dates, and sizes for each file in each directory.  Depending on which version of Windows you use, this file can be generated with the command prompt dir c:\dirlist.txt or a similar command.

If your agency does not maintain these public records, please let me know who does and include the proper custodian’s name and address.

I agree to pay any reasonable copying and postage fees of not more than $25 for this information. If the cost would be greater than this amount, please notify me. Please provide a receipt indicating the charges for each document.

I would request your response within ten (10) business days.

If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely. Also, please provide all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material.


David A. Kearns
(address redacted)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

No Word from the Division of Elections coming up on one year

The following  entry is from my Facebook site Rick Scott Watch of Sept 1, 2011. We note with no small sense of irony the Sec. of State chose to resign, and announced around Jan. 9, 2012. To date there has been zip, zero, nothing, nada in the way of follow up to this complaint I filed last summer.

Days ago I sent a detailed email to Pam Bondi's office through her website. I alerted her that I thought there was fraud inside the elections office in Hillsborough. Part of my working theory as I have stated is the Sec. of State may very well be in on the fraud.  And nothing he has done has shown me otherwise, certainly not in those years when he was a champion of touch-screen voting! Certainly not in his attempts to shut down early voting, fighting fair districts, one thing after another and so on.

How glad I am that rather than investigate, what her staff proposes doing is send the complaint on the very people who may be guilty, so, they can investigate themselves.
Just awesome.

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has received your email regarding
>  alleged election improprieties or fraud.  Attorney General Pam Bondi has
>  asked that I respond.
>  I am forwarding your email to the Florida Department of State, Division of
>  Elections, which is the state agency that receives and reviews complaints
>  about alleged election or voter fraud.  The contact information is:
>  Florida Department of State
>  Division of Elections
>  Room 316, R.A. Gray Building
>  500 South Bronough Street
>  Tallahassee, Florida  32399-0250
>  Telephone:  850-245-6200
>  Website:
>  The Department of State provides more detailed information about election
>  fraud and links to the applicable Florida Statutes online at:
>  Thank you for contacting Attorney General Bondi's Office.
>  Sincerely,
>  Allen Baer
>  Office of Citizen Services
>  Florida Attorney General's Office
>  PL-01, The Capitol
>  Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050
>  Telephone:  (850) 414-3990
>  Toll-free:  (866) 966-7226

Friday, June 15, 2012

Scott Wants Florida's Own Immigration Gestapo Agency

What fun is it having a fascist dictatorship without a gestapo?
Rick's excuse will be immigration, which is why he wants to tap the Homeland Security Database. Duh!
No? I'm out of my god-frigging mind?
If we have learned nothing else from this experiment called Rick Scott, we have learned that every seemingly meek, mild, honest-engine request has another motive. And the underlying motive is often ten times, to one hundred times more sinister than the announced motive.
"Who can argue that we shouldn't have illegal people voting?" he said.
Who indeed?
If 'A' so 'Z' must follow, as well as 'O', 'G' and 'R'. That's the pattern over and over. And it just so happens OGR and so on, often take away our liberties, further reduce us to serfdom and enrich the Friends of Rick Program (FORK).
You need an example? Bitch, please:
The reason for selling state property, that being a King Air and a Cessna for a combined $3.7 million (rock bottom give-away) was to save $500,000 in annual maintenance costs. Never mind he had no legal authority to do it. But, we learned of a secondary motive. He was able to escape records laws which follow state owned property, namely aircraft, whenever they fly.
And so, using his own jet he whisked himself off (in thwarted secrecy) to Vail Colorado for the annual Koch-cult come to Mohammad meeting with all the conservative machers to compare notes on how they were each outdoing each other in their attempts to murder, murder, murder the middle class!(I tell you this can't wait we must kill them all!).
Another example? Really? You can't remember these lessons? Alright. He used a little documentary Davis Guggennheim called "Waiting for Superman" and FOX's it-gal of the moment Michelle Rhee to tell us that "the model on education is broken." This became the excuse for attacking teachers, their pensions, their tenurs, and continues to be a a major homework assignment for the Koch masters. Higher ed is currently in his cross-hairs.
The solution? Big box corporate learning and Koch approved professors starting at FSU and soon to be seen elsewhere. And all those lucrative contracts for the rights to enter the counties and set up shop. These provide tit for tat fodder to the upwardly mobile conservative palm greasers in both spheres! Diluting the power of our tax dollars to fund education, the overall destruction thereof, of course the desired end result.
The next hot ticket? "Druggies shouldn't be receiving unemployment or/and food stamps! This is a major problem!" (Which it's not.)
He was/is/was? who knows? retains, or doesn't, controlling interest in Solantic Walk-in urgent care which changed it's name to "Not-Solantic but something totally unrelated to all the controversy caused by Rick Scott's blatant use of our brand for his own evil purposes" also known as "CareSpot Express Health Care"- hair salon and Nazarene Church.
These centers of course, specialize in (wait for it) drug test kits at $35 a pop.
So now with these example in mind, and with an eye bent toward suspicion, what do we have? You have an evil madman asking the federal government to give him a look-see at the HLS database see he can merely keep illegals from voting.
Or is there more to it?
Friends of Rick program (FORK)
Ricky was all for something called "prison privitization". Cradle to prison program, Gulag Inc. Prison Vouchers, whatever you want to call it. GEO Group (NYSE:GEO) which owns 30 percent of the private prison space market and based in Boca Raton has major, major, major ties to Team Scott. Whether it's Scott's lobbyist Bill Rubin, or GEO's property trust manager Donna Arduin, who was Rick  Scott's transition team budget advisor; or whether it's the fact GEO gave Rick and the Republican party  $82,000 to help fund the inaugural shindig, there is an obvious case of political/corporate face sucking going on here, and one of the many facets of the Friends of Rick (FORK) program.
Speaking of Gulag Inc. and while we're on the subject, back we come to the original thesis here: a state gestapo.
When we establish this because (gasp!) "look at these fudged extrapolated mathematical lies we've come up with using data from Homeland Security as the spine of our deceit! Wow! We have got to do something about all these evil people on these spread sheets!" we will need to put all the targets of the massive inquest somewhere.
That means private prisons, which had been shot down by judges familiar with the state's constitution the federal one, as well as the contractual agreements with all 8,000 or more corrections officers in the state, are back in business owing to "emergency conditions! I tell you!"
The "woefully inadequate federal oversight" and they always use this Shakespearian refrain, will be pointed to as the reason to unleash corporate prisons on us, AND the pretext for creating a STATE agency to hunt down all would-be "evil doers" with a Minority Report concern for Constitutional or human rights.
Mark me well. This "request" to compare the data base against the voter rolls has a dual purpose. And responsible people at the federal level are obviously very uneasy about giving such authority, power, pretext and excuse over to this madman; as well they should be.
As well they should be.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Trying to File a Sunshine Law Violation Charge

Trying to file a Sunshine Law violation complaint to the proper authorities in Hillsborough County is a little like trying to herd cats.
No. Cats are smarter apparently. My cat comes when I call her. I swear she does. She understands certain words in the English Language.
The Hillsborough County sheriff's department apparently does not. The Hillsborough State Attorney's office likes to refer the Sunshine Law complaints to the sheriff's department, and the sheriffs don't speak or understand English until you get angry and nearly rude. Then they call you rude.
I spoke with a deputy. I will be kind and not mention her name but I will if pressed to prove what I say. I will be kind for now.
Florida Sunshine Law is covered under chapter 119 of Florida Statutes- our laws. I was on the phone tree begging thrown from one branch to the next when I landed on her line and like the others she kept saying "what? what is it? what?" Like that. Like if you say "what is?" enough with that tone. You know the tone. You're wrong for asking? Then I'll go away.
Finally we agreed she would look at the statute I kept referencing.
She came back on the line "I don't have it here."
"Well do you have google?"
"What, what? What? What?"
Cats. I tell you cats get it better than this. I've called the FDLE. I've called the Hillsborough State Attorney's office. Each agency refers me to the other, or the other two.
"What? What?"
If anyone has a name of someone in Florida who handles these complaints within state government, please contact me.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Voter Purge A CIA/Bush Diversion for Hacking

The foot stomping and posturing over the voter purges, in this writer's opinion constitute nothing more than a CIA/Bush-styled diversion which will cover-up a hacked vote again, here in Florida.
In 2000 (and I have said this on this blog until I am blue in the face) there were 16,022 votes counted backwards for Al Gore on election night. The location of the negative votes - did they appear from the anti-verse, what gives? - was discovered in precinct 216 in Volusia County. A precinct that had at that time a little over 600 registered voters.
This "error" on GES vote counting machines  ( later bought by Diebold, changed the name to Premier and then bought by Dominion voting) has never, ever been explained.
Since Al Gore conceded the election, all investigation into this was dropped.
During the recount phase the attention of the entire country was diverted with talk of "hanging chads" if you recall. And the collective fecal humor stage of the American public ate it up, so to speak.
Our brains completely shut down. The major media again told the country that Floridians are essentially brain dead morons who can't be trusted to vote properly and Americans also ate this lie up.
Let me ask you something. Was there a Bush or two involved in this? Yes. There were two in fact. Jeb and George.
Was there a Bush involved in the 2004 fiasco in Ohio?  Where Kerry was defeated by a middle man attack on the vote reporting system set up by then secretary of state Ken Blackwell? A man who promised to deliver the Ohio vote? Yes, there was, as well as a Karl Rove.
As the video in the previous link mentions, the same names and the same tactics keep showing up in Florida, and election tampering.
But the overall Bush badness and underhanded dark deeds go back even further.
The Bushes were at the heart of the Savings and Loan scandals of the late 1980s. They were at the heart of the drugs for guns for Contra program in the mid 1980s.
 It was George Bush senior who, as Director of Intelligence for the CIA hand-picked and programmed a young military cadet named Manuel Noriega and groomed him as an asset, turning a blind eye to his associations in the Colombian drug cartels.
It can even be argued that the first Gulf War invasion was a carefully planned operation designed to divert attention away from the Manuel Noreiga trial in which Manny was singing like a bird about nefarious dealings with Bush, particularly, who at the time of the invasion, was president of the United States.
What's a little election rigging to folks like this?
Pfffft. Child's play. That's what it is.
Key Bush family advisers have found themselves in league with Rick Scott, who made a great deal of money  in Texas.
Ken Detzner, our current secretary of state served as Jeb Bush's secretary of the state in an interim capacity and then helped transition the position from an elected one, to a governor appointee cabinet member. The worst situation, by the way, if you care about maintaining fair elections. That is, having the chief of all state elections, as a partisan appointee.
The idea to purge collateral thousands of voters along with less than a handful of illegal immigrants is too absurdly obvious not to be a CIA styled counterintell operation.
Even the republican elections supervisors aren't falling for it since it's their heads on the chopping block if they go back on federal laws. So, essentially it's a moot point. And Team Scott already know this. They are well aware of it.
When this dies down because a bought off media is already being directed to look away from it, the public will have had its mashed potato fill of talk of Florida and elections for a while.
During this period of exhasted disgust with Florida, the mechanisms of pre-programmed glitches and their "rescannings" will be honed to perfection. The bear traps for democracy now wait for a gullible public.
Florida's vote will be swindled. The governor will claim to be blameless by pointing out the fact his strongest efforts to steal votes were already thwarted by an "overreaching Obama administration."
You'll be convinced again that we're all too stupid to vote correctly down here.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

We Don't Mention Voting Machines in AmerikaLITE

My daughter and I sat after the meeting today discussing my fixation with the Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections and the false vote that gave us Rick Scott.She worked the camera for me and recorded my harangue against the commission for failing to call for any investigation into a clearly tampered vote which gave us this fascist ghoul in the governor's mansion.
"You can get obsessed over this stuff. You tend to fixate on things."
Kids understand there is a connection to their lives and a rigged election in an academic sense, but, they don't internalize it.
"Getting worked up about all this stuff," is so foreign to them.
But she's not alone. I belong to a group of bellyachers calling ourselves "Occupy Rigged Elections" a collection of misfits and malcontents who don't know what to do about the fact our democracy is being flushed down the toilet as we speak. Except watch with a sort of morbid fascination, like people on a subway platform witnessing a suicide by train.
I mean, we don't DO anything about it. We whine like simpering little victims about the situation but, ninety nine percent of us never DO a damned thing but Facebook our misery to each other. There is nothing more boring or useless than a group of lazy timid people who are in complete agreement with each other. (Fucking shoot me already!)
 My only consolation is I occasionally summon the nerve to get right up in some faces, but of course today, I have my daughter with me to provide perspective. Even this is as pathetic as I secretly suspected it was.
"Dad, they're not listening to you at all. You think the (the commissioners) are torn by some sort of moral dilemma. They're not. They don't care what you are saying. They just sit there, and don't say anything after you're through. You've done this now. This isn't working. You've got to do something else."
She's a smart kid. So I ask; "what?"
She shrugs, "get a lawyer. I don't know. That's for you to decide."
I have a couple of friends running for office in my county. They don't want to talk about it. They walk around with "all is well smiles" on their faces, even after the Scott Walker recall that wasn't; the one in which - somehow?-yeah?- media had all the answers less than one hour after the polls closed? uh-huh? And yet the exit polls took quite some time getting to us?
Does it make you wonder?
Took some time getting to us as media types scratched their heads and resolve what should have been a cake-walk for democrats, that resulted in a decisive loss.
Yeah....cause all of this makes sense. Right?
I called Ring of Fire Radio last week when they were talking about the voter purge  (purge, right? Because that's normal in an open democratic society) and ended up talking to Mike Papantonio about my book, and Kurt Browning, and the instant I started in on the Hillsborough vote and the voting machines, our normally courageous and outspoken Pap was like "Dave I gotta go, man." And moved right on to commercial.
I swear this damned thing is the third rail!
I have a friend in my local media who is the same way.
I don't understand how Pap, Rachel, Ed and the rest of them can talk about the absurdity of these allevged massive numbers of non-citizens still on the voting rolls, and never once mention the other argument, these corrupted voting machines? Is that journalism today? Is that how bad it is?
The only one of the MSNBC crowd I've seen even mentioning the machines was Chuck Todd and talk about limp it was in a reply tweet to Brad Freidman. (Chuck, how do you sleep?)
Todd used the  corporate dodge, slick on the head like grease off a block of ice, that "well? You trust your ATM don't you? So what's the problem?"
This from a guy who has this pompous pontificated commercial showing Himself making it through the White House gates to "ask the tough questions on behalf of the American people."
Vomit.Talk about dunderheaded obliviousness, ignorance with intent.
Anyway kids. This is where we stand today in AmerikaLITE.