Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rick Scott's Project Mayhem

Rick Scott visited with the Agency for Persons with Disabilities yesterday. I see on 8B of Florida Today an article wherein Scott says, essentially, ‘I’ll reverse cuts on this agency if the legislature can come up with a $174 million patch to plug the budget hole.’ The photo shows Scott at the lectern in front of a man in a wheel chair, Bryan Vaughn, director of the agency.

I am reminded of two things. The first was an old National Lampoon Magazine cover “If You Don't Buy this Magazine We Will Kill this Dog”.
The second thing I am reminded of is a scene from the movie Fight Club; where Brad Pitt careens a car wildly to and fro, while Edward Norton begs him to put his hands back on the wheel. Do you remember the scene?

"Just Let Go" from Rock Sexton on Vimeo.
Rick Scott’s “Project Mayhem” also demands that we not ask questions as he careens the ship of state wildly back and forth.
From his perspective, holding the dog hostage – the dog being the disabled – enables him to force the legislature into making more cuts.
And if he gets his way, the majority of those will likely come from education.

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