Thursday, November 3, 2011

New Book About Rick Scott

Well someone went and did it. We're not saying who, but, here it is. And here's the link if you want a copy!!!!

Back in February "Rick Scott Watch" began the quest of documenting the horror: the election of and the continued assault on the masses by, Rick Scott.

Soon it became obvious that a combination of blogspot, facebook and twitter were needed in order to get the message out that we were under attack in Florida.

The blog posts began to take on the form of chapters within three months of beginning the combined effort known as "Rick Scott Watch. It wasn't until we delved into his election, though, the seriousness of what was happening in Florida really began to dawn on the author of this work.

These days the idea of waiting for a major publisher to make an offer on a work that needs to get out NOW is distasteful as it is comical. The traditional publishing industry isn't designed to be reactive in its current state. There was no other choice.

A few weeks ago, NYT produced an article on Amazon/Kindle's new format, Kindle Direct. It turned out to be a perfect match for us. The book arrives a year to the hour since his election. Recall, he wasn't officially the winner until the early hours of Nov. 3 because of a very suspicious SNAFU in the Hillsborough County elections office.

Read all about it on your Kindle or Apple analog device. Enjoy!

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